I only met Jag briefly for less than 72 hours. I have read about the 4 Trails on Facebook, and heard from a friend who was supporting one of the runners. I decided to check it out for fun. It turned out that the person I was intended to support was not quite in the mood for support, so I ended up spending almost two days getting to know a new friend. Jag is a humble gentle guy who lives a modest life with his wife in Bangkok. Working at a hospital, he can only afford training at the staircases of the hospital building. The work environment and hard life have not worn his dreams out, and he would not only talk about dreams, but actually go after them. Every day.
Most people cannot even imagine what a 200 miler is. But during the 2 days I spent hiking with him, I had not seen any moment of hesitation or doubt in his eyes. Yes, he was tired and cold, but all I could see was his faith in his dreams and the body's absolute surrender to that faith.
Finishing my first 100k
Two years ago when I DNF at Gilwell, I was trying to comfort myself that I had finished almost 2/3 of the race. But now I totally agree why people say this race really starts at 50k. For a long time, I have had this dream what I would be back to finish it, and I had prepared for it. I was glad that the plan went well. However, there was a 10-15% margin for improvement, and so I would like to be back again to do that.

Sharing love on Valentine's Day
On V-day, I showed up on Lantau at the start line. The race has all the gimmicks of romance: pinkish macaroons, cakes and balloons, except that I wasn't there for a romantic reason. It was great fun sponsoring a team of girls to run a fun 14k race. It's a great way to share love on this day.

Gratitude to my work
I never complained about my business role, although part of me always felt that it would have been nice to combine reality with a social purpose. This year has been great bonus since I have been transferred to a role which is 90% social purpose and 10% business.
Meeting inspirational people
Since last year, I have discovered a pet project of helping one person or a small group of people with their causes. During the past year, it has been a great privilege to help Christian Zheng Sheng Association. I have learnt so much through my two new friends Macy and Edwin, and I am glad that our team work was fantastic, the race helped them tremendously with their personal development, as well as helping the school with some fundraising.

The start of many challenges to come
Of all the races in 2015, the most memorable has to be CCC. The whole week of experience, sharing a chalet and making new friends, finding HK friends and going hiking together and going through the race itself. I can only say it was the start of my many summer vacations in Chamonix to come...

New goals
Doing something different: reusable batteries for headlights and no more plastic bottles for running
Form good habits/routine: form good sleeping habits and wake up early, yoga, reading
New ventures: the online shop
New race targets: HK100, Translantau, CCC, TNF (hopefully 3 of the 4)
A wonderful gift
I am so grateful to have found a wonderful friend, a wonderful training buddie, a wonderful foodie and wine buff!

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