Three years ago, I wrote a few blogs titled "My Greatest Project Since Graduation" talking about my humble journey of setting up a social enterprise. Since then, a few years have passed. I have gone through some fun pilot runs, lots of learning and personal reflection. Early last year, I finally came to a moment of realization when I said to myself, "I have given my all and this social enterprise is going no where. I am at peace and it is time to let go."
And it was not meant to be. I was standing in the office pantry having my sip of morning tea. I was having a casual chat with a colleague, a young passionate designer, who not only bought into my social enterprise dream, but also contributed his design talent and his dream to become an entrepreneur. A few months passed and ideas became products ready to be launched.
The world has become a very different place by now. A few years ago, I had no budget for design services, product development and marketing. This time, I had expertise for free, e-commerce and online marketing tools have become cheap and extremely user-friendly. This chain of events and tools have brought back the whole project. But it is on longer a project now. It is a real business within the social innovation space.
I look forward to seeing everything going live in the next few weeks.
#sew much talent #so much support #so much passion #so much hope # Vu Descent